The Museum of Local Memory – Museo della Memoria Locale/MuMeLoc – has the primary purpose of promoting the safeguarding and enhancement of local cultural heritage, conveying knowledge of its historical roots, human experience and prospects for future development. It focuses on one of the most dramatic events in local history: the Nazi-Fascist massacre of August 23, 1944. In connection with this terrible tragedy, stories are told of the many vicissitudes of the local area and its residents up to the present day, through filmic historical reconstructions concerning the Marsh of Fucecchio and life in Cerreto Guidi, local traditions and typical crafts and trades of the Marsh area, with exhibits of traditional objects (pots and traps, prints, bands made of tufted sedge, woven hats), documentation of the trial of the perpetrators of the 1944 massacre, and texts on local history.
The MuMeLoc is also a multipurpose cultural center with various functions: exposition space, multimedia archive, educational laboratory, and permanent observatory for the preservation of the local territory.