Montaione is an enchanting medieval hamlet nestled in the Tuscan countryside in the province of Florence, in the Valdelsa zone, a touristic area known as “Tuscany at Heart.” Set on a lovely hilltop, it offers picturesque views over woods, vineyards and olive groves, and all the atmosphere of an authentic Tuscan town.
It’s a perfect base for excursions around Tuscany; from here it’s easy to make day trips to the region’s main cities.
This historic center has maintained its original medieval layout; listed as one of Italy’s most beautiful villages, it also boasts a series of contemporary artworks. The entire territory, with a network of around 100 km of hiking trails, offers noteworthy historical and artistic sites, like museums, the 3rd-century Roman cistern, the village of Castelfalfi, and the sanctuary of the Madonna of Pietrina.